
Sunday 26 May 2013

We are monolith

I recently read an article in the Guardian newspaper by one Hamdani where he tries to negate the notion of Muslims as one. He decries how the world treats all Muslims as one by coining such words as "The Muslim world". He tells his readers that Muslims are as diverse as any other society and should not be treated as one homogenous population. They should not be assumed to have similar behavior or believe in the same thing. Granted, he had his points on how the media associates ills committed by one Muslim to all Muslims. it has been and will continue being the global media agenda to portray a bad image of Islam. However, there is no point in being apologetic about Muslims being one Ummah. Or at least we are meant to be one Ummah. The prophet (SAW) said "a believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts enforce each other". In another Hadith the prophet tells us that Muslims are like one body such that if one part is ill the rest of the body will feel the same pain and fever.

Is there a Muslim world? yes there is a Muslim world united by a common belief and ideology the same way we have the third world who share a common denominator of poverty or the western world who share a common bond of superiority and capitalistic ideology.
The Quran describes in many instances the muslims as one ummah. Ummah is Arabic for nation. we may live in all corners of the world, we may have different cultures and back grounds, we may claim to belong to different sects but Islam is Islam and has no divisions. The sects that people proclaim to belong to are null and void. True Islam is only one. The sects are people's creation and will not help anyone except in sowing the seeds of discord. There is no sufism, there is no wahabism, there is no salafism, there is no shiasm, there is no moderate muslim or extremist Muslim.There is only one Muslim and that is a true Muslim. These names are the creations of people who fear unity among the muslim. They will use one group against the other to fight their proxy wars. We were told by the prophet (SAW) that we will be divided to more than 72 sects and only one will enter paradise and that is the one that holds fast unto the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet (SAW).
Do not belong to the 71, belong to the one and true Islam.

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